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Monday 23 March 2015

Social media :)

Nowadays, it hard for us to find someone without a single social media. The internet andsocial media provide young people with variety of benefits. Young people can maintain social connections and support networks that otherwise wouldn't be possible, and can access more information than ever before. The communities and social interactions young people form online can be invaluable for bolstering and developing young people's self-confidence and social skills. The benefits of social media to youth are : 

1Keep in Touch with Family
Keeping in contact with family through the phone or even over email presents a challenge. Instead, social networking sites allow the individual to share their day to day life in a secure but public forum, which family can watch and experience. Facebook, for example, allows people to share events, images, and thoughts in real time, during the course of any day. Family and friends can then experience all the things that someone does, and comment on them. Then, they share in the experience, rather than just being "informed" about them during weekly phone calls.

2. Staying Informed About the World

People on social networking sites share what interests them, such as news on current events. People who share those interests, or who just want to stay informed, can read these stories and share them as well. Eventually, these stories make their to users who may have never read them. Since stories are shared through "word of mouth," smaller news outlets such as blogs can get exposure, and social network users are overall connected to a larger pool of new information and opinion

3. Commonality of Interest
When you  participate in a social network community, you can pick and choose those individuals whose likes and dislikes are similar to yours and build your network around those commonalities. For instance, if you are a chess aficionado or a book lover, you can find and interact with those who share your interest. Because you are connecting digitally instead of having to physically attend meetings, you have the luxury of joining many more groups and communities. You can meet with your friends anytime you have an Internet connection and whenever you find them online.

And I'm sure you have your own social media and more than one. I have them too, you can check them out below :))


Friday 20 March 2015

List barang untuk ke universiti/matrikulasi/asrama

Salam and hello world :) How're you doing? So today I decided to share some tips/list yang perlu dibawa for you guys yang nak buat preparations nak sambung study.

  1. Seluar track 
  2. Seluar slack (untuk outing)
  3. Baju kurung (10)
  4. T-shirt lengan panjang (For aktiviti riadah)
  5. T-shirt lengan pendek (untuk pakai tidur)
  6. Stokin
  7. Tuala
  8. Kain batik
  9. Yang dalam2 tu (If you know what I mean.HAHA)
  10. Cadar
  11. Selimut
  12. Inner
  13. Telekung/Sejadah
  14. Tudung
  15. Blouse (untuk outing)
  16. Kasut sukan
  17. Kasut bertutup/flat
  18. Sandal (untuk pergi makan etc. Takkan nak pakai kasut sukan kud -..-)
Barang2 toilet
  1. Baldi
  2. Berus
  3. Raga mandi
  4. Hanger
  5. Penyepit
  6. Clothes hanger
  7. Berus/Ubat gigi
  8. Shaver
  9. Sliper toilet
  10. Sabun mandi
  11. Sabun basuh kain
  12. Pencuci muka
  13. Shampoo
  14. Bakul baju kotor
  15. Bedak
  16. Sikat
  17. Cermin
  18. Pad (untuk perempuan k)
  19. Deodorant
Lain lain
  1. Panadol
  2. Minyak angin
  3. Pinggan
  4. Sudu/garfu
  5. Cawan
  6. Bantal
  7. Jarum, benang, Baby pin (Ini untuk emergency. Takut seluar koyak or etc)
  8. Torchlight (incase blackout)
  9. Penyangkut belakang pintu
  10. Bakul baju kotor
  11. Nail clipper
  12. Alat tulis
  13. Penyapu/ Penyodok/ Bakul sampah (Yang ini korang berpakatlah dengan room mate korang)
  14. Pisau
  15. Stok makanan/ Air kotak =P
That's all I think. Anything yang korang nak tambah, tambah la. And list ni sesuai untuk perempuan je. For guys, kalau nak ikut sikit2 pun takpe. Hee oklah selamat maju jaya.

Friday 13 March 2015


Have you ever imagined how it would be like to live like a typical bushman? Apparently, the weather is hot, and they stroll around almost naked. Water is always scarce, and so they constantly search for an oasis, which is the greatest joy a bushman can have. However, modern people seem to have forgotten the necessity of water because it seems to be everywhere. Water is indispensable to human beings because it is the source of life and that all industries need water or else a lawless phenomenon and destruction would likely to occur.

Water is indispensable to human beings because it is the source of life. In fact, 70% of our body is composed of water, and 83% of our blood is composed of water. Likewise, we cannot live a single day without it although we may fast for a few days. This is true not only to humans but all the plants and animals which are our food sources. Without water, our food supply will obviously run out. As a result, a world-wide starvation will occur, and there may be extinction of all mankind which similarly may have happened to dinosaurs long time ago. Therefore, it is needless to say how water is needed to human beings because all the life cannot sustain living without it.

Besides, water is indispensable to industries which makes modernization possible. All kinds of industries use and exploit water such as agriculture and chemical industry, to name a few. Likewise, all industries need water and if water becomes scarce, manufacturing would decrease. As a result, there would occur a world-wide economic depression with serious unemployment. This will gradually lead to debasement of our standard of living, or perhaps a destruction of modern world. Thus, water is needed in every sect of industries, and without it modernized society cannot be retained.

Here is a video that I've made when I was in elementary school regarding the conservation of water. Hope you enjoy the cartoon video :))

Saturday 7 March 2015


Greeting from me :)) How are you? Feeling stress? I think this is the right time for me to share to you about the causes and effect of stress

  • Being unhappy in your job
  • Having a heavy workload or too much responsibility
  • Working long hours
  • Having poor management, unclear expectations of your work, or no say in the decision-making process
  • Working under dangerous conditions
  • Being insecure about your chance for advancement or risk of termination
  • Having to give speeches in front of colleagues
  • Facing discrimination or harassment at work, especially if your company isn't supportive
Examples of life stresses are:
  • The death of a loved one
  • Divorce
  • Loss of a job
  • Increase in financial obligations
  • Getting married
  • Moving to a new home
  • Chronic illness or injury
  • Emotional problems (depressionanxiety, anger, grief, guilt, low self-esteem)
  • Taking care of an elderly or sick family member
  • Traumatic event, such as a natural disaster, theft, rape, or violence against you or a loved one


When you are in a stressful situation, your body launches a physical response. Your nervous system springs into action, releasing hormones that prepare you to either fight or take off. It's called the "fight or flight" response, and it's why, when you're in a stressful situation, you may notice that your heartbeat speeds up, your breathing gets faster, your muscles tense, and you start to sweat. This kind of stress is short-term and temporary (acute stress), and your body usually recovers quickly from it.
But if your stress system stays activated over a long period of time (chronic stress), it can lead to more serious health problems. The constant rush of stress hormones can put a lot of wear and tear on your body, causing it to age more quickly and making it more prone to illness.
If you've been stressed out for a short period of time, you may start to notice some of these physical signs:
So, it is important for you managed your stress well in order to have a happy and peaceful live :)) It also important to ensure your body keep healthy.